My goal with all of my Well Being Recipients is not to "cure disease" - which I'm not allowed to do because I am not a Medical Doctor. I am also not only concerned with "getting rid of" symptoms or pain. My work is to uncover the true CAUSE of the dysfunction which generates pain, inflammation and other symptoms. As one cleanses and rebuilds, the symptoms will clear naturally.
My goal is to assist those who are brought to me, in order to have the healthiest body possible. This will then allow each person to have the confidence to live the life of their dreams, to stop sabotaging themselves, and to find and then engage in the work that is theirs to do on this planet we call Mother Earth.
I have found when I assist the client in enlarging their goals beyond just attaining a higher quality of health . . . into why they are here . . . and what they will do after they have rebuilt their health . . . that very often, their health goals are achieved without much effort. I am highly trained in many forms of natural healing.
The best way I can assist my Well Being Recipients is to do a Health Reading (or Energy Evaluation) to determine various factors that can contribute to dis-ease. Natural Healing involves detoxification (clearing congestion) and rebuilding. I will guide you to clear heavy metals, worms, parasites, residues from pesticides and food additives, atomic and chemical toxins, and much more. All of my programs are gentle, and I encourage each person to go at a pace they can easily incorporate in their lifestyle.
I will always be recommending the basics of how to get well and maintain proper health on all levels. These factors include:
- A pure wholesome foods diet, according to what each person needs. There is no one diet that is best for everyone.
- Pure water
- Obtaining a slightly alkaline pH of about 7.2
- Ensuring proper digestion
- A healthy form of exercise to keep the lymphatic system flowing properly
- Healthy, nurturing relationships
- Engaging in a form of work which contributes positively to society and is enJOYable
- Allowing a Balance of work and play
- Allowing time for Creative Projects
As we go through life, we experience many "bumps" along the way. Energies can get stagnant or blocked in the body. It is my job to clear the pathways in the body so energy can flow freely, dissolving and letting go of that which is no longer supportive. When we have clean, free-flowing energy, we can heal on all levels.
My first healing mentor was Rev. Hanna Kroeger, in Boulder, Colorado. I met Hanna when I was 14 years of age. She taught me that there are always natural remedies and practices for restoring one's health!
After I graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic, I spent the next 2 years compiling over 20 years of my notes from Hanna's teachings. Originally, I did this for myself, so I could incorporate her teachings into my healing work. However, others began to ask if they could have a copy of this document, and that was when I discovered I had a passion for writing and teaching! This book is entitled, Integrating Your Wholeness.
Hanna taught me how to do an Energy Evaluation/Health Reading on a client. I have been performing these Evaluations for over 25 years. From the information obtained through the Energy Evaluation, I design Personalized Wellness Programs which utilize all natural remedies including: Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Gemstone Elixirs, Essential Oils, Herbs, Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Probiotics and Enzymes. I also utilize all of Rev. Hanna's Detoxification Cleanses and Rebuilding Programs.
While I received my initial training in homeopathy from Hanna Kroeger, it was Rev. Mary Hardy who really taught me about the amazing world of Homeopathy and Vibrational Remedies. I co-authored a book with Mary Hardy and Dotty Nonman entitled, The Alchemist's Handbook to Homeopathy. Please see my blog about my Vibrational Remedy Programs utilizing homeopathics, flower essences and gemstone elixirs.
These programs can all be done long distance.
I facilitate seminars and classes in natural healing, and Emotional Wellness. I also teach classes in natural foods cooking, and cleansing fasts for all parts of the body.
For my local people, I perform Energy Attunement (healing) Sessions. When a person lays on my massage table, I create a safe space energetically with prayer. I call on the the Pure Loving Light of our Creator. I never have any preconceived ideas as to what will occur. I always apply Therapeutic-quality essential oils, and allow myself to be guided by the client's Higher Self. I utilize Sound Healing, which I learned through my study with Tom Kenyon.
During an Energy Attunement Session, we may go on a guided Imagery session, have an emotional clearing, or just do what I call Intuitive Massage.
I perform client consultations, locally and on the phone.
I invite you to allow me to assist you have the most Vibrant, Radiant Health possible for you!
To schedule a session, please phone 610-872-4137. You may leave a message 24/7 on this line.
Sincerely, Dr. Marcy Foley