Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vibrational Remedies

Vibrational Remedies include homeopathic remedies, gemstone elixirs and flower essences. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered homeopathy when he wanted a gentler approach than how M.D.'s were practicing medicine at the time. The Royal Family is well known for utilizing homeopathic remedies.

Dr. Edward Bach was a very sensitive soul and he was able to tune into the energy in flowers, so he began creating Flower Essences. Now, along with Bach Flower remedies, there are hundreds more flower essences.

Likewise, there is an energy in the Mineral Kingdom in the form of essences made from crystals and gemstones.

It was my Internal Guidance which directed me to utilize all 3 forms of Vibrational Remedies in my Personalized Programs for my clients. I find that in this way, a person can work on a deeper level in restoring their Wholeness! These Vibrational Remedy Programs are also the quickest way to achieve one's healing goals, on all levels, thus restoring their Wholeness.

Vibrational Remedies contain just the wave signature of the substance from which they are made. There is nothing physically present in the essences. If you've seen a Kirlian Photograph of a leaf, it will show an energy around the leaf. Even if a portion of the leaf has been physically torn off, the wave signature is still present. So, when these essences are ingested, they impart this energetic signature into a person's electromagnetic field.

There are two actions present within Vibrational Remedies:

The first action will cancel out a negative vibration, such as aluminum or mercury. The homeopathic remedies act as a "magnet" to pull that vibration out of the body. The second action will impart a positive effect, such as from a gemstone or flower. If one takes a Vibrational Form of Emerald, the master healer, it will impart the Green Healing Ray. The heart chakra really resonates with Emerald. Ruby gemstone elixir is very soothing for the heart, and will impart the Red/Pink Healing Ray.

I have been using homeopathics, gemstone elixirs and flower essences since 1991. I create individualized 28-33-day long Vibrational Remedy Programs. These are put into individual envelopes for ingestion before bedtime.

The essences work during sleep time, so that the disharmonious energies can be transmuted easily and painlessly, through dreams. I find the combination of these 3 forms of Vibrational Medicine work in conjunction with each other in a synergistic manner. These programs are gaining in popularity, due to the heightened ascension/acceleration energies present on the planet right now. So, my clients are really feeling the positive, supportive effects of these essences.

While one can purchase individual homeopathic remedies, it is important to have a way to check the body to make sure you have the correct potency of the homeopathic. One may study the Materia Medica to determine if a particular homeopathic will benefit them. This is the book given to us from Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, containing all the information when he did his initial research on the homeopathics.

It is just as important to check that you have the correct potency that you need, as checking to make sure you have the correct remedy.

If a homeopathic is labeled a 6X, that means it has been diluted 6 times and is called an "out of phase" remedy. These are best for substances you wish to have leave the body. Homeopathic X remedies come in many available potencies - 3X, 6X, 12X, 100X, 200X.

The "C" remedies are called "in-phase remedies," which augment a positive vibration. They are diluted 1 to 100. These include remedies such as Amino Acids, Minerals, Vitamins or Bio-Plasma (all cell salts). Some of the higher potencies - 200C, 1M, 10M, CM, MM, LM - are so powerful that you may only need one dose. Anything above 200 C has a balanced polarity. This means it will remove something, or add something, depending on what the body needs.

Proving The Remedy

If you take too many doses of a homeopathic remedy, or you take the wrong potency, it can do what is called, "Proving the Remedy." This means that if you need 3 doses of a remedy to pull out a toxin, and you take 3 doses, it will be effective in removing the vibration. But, if you take 6 doses or take the entire bottle, you will actually be re-introducing that vibration back into the body, and you can suffer a Healing Crisis, to where you will be worse off than when you started! That is why I use dowsing on a person's vibrational sample to ensure that they get the correct remedies and potencies.

My clients who take Vibrational Remedy Programs on a regular basis are finding increased mental clarity, emotional comfort, and a sense of ease felt in the nervous system. People always enjoy interesting dreams while on a program. When the dreams are studied, they contain important messages from one's High Self to solve current life challenges. One can take a Vibrational Remedy Program once a month.

Vibrational Remedies for Children:

I am having an increased demand to make Vibrational Remedy Programs for children. This is the most gentle way to assist our "dear little ones." The remedies can cancel out vaccination residues. That doesn't mean the vaccination will not be in effect, only that the energetic residue left behind will be eliminated by the body. We can work with allergies, and especially the emotional body. Children feel strong emotions, and they don't always know how to express them. So, they can get bottled up inside of them, causing behavior challenges in the family or school setting. Children respond very well to Flower Essences and Gemstone Elixirs.

Right now, many of us adults are going through an unprecedented number of changes. We may be going through a divorce, moving to a new location or changing our jobs. We are letting go of the old and embracing the new. Having the support of a Vibrational Remedy Program is very comforting, and helps us make the necessary changes quicker and with a greater sense of ease and confidence.

I invite you to allow me to assist you have a more joyous "ride through your life" with one of my Vibrational Remedy Programs! The good thing is that these programs can all be done long distance. All I need is the person's Vibrational Witness, such as a photo or a clipping of hair. I then mail the programs to the person via the Postal Service.

For questions about Vibrational Remedy Programs, please phone 610-872-4137. You may leave a message 24/7. I charge $90, which includes postage for these programs.

Healing Love,
Dr. Marcy Foley

Essential Oils

I discovered the power of Pure Quality Essential Oils in 1995, when I got started with the Young Living Essential Oils Company. I am about as open-minded as it gets in regards to any natural substance to make positive changes in my health. However, I didn't understand how simply breathing in a scent could change my life, my health or my emotions!

This is because back in the 1970's I saw essential oils in my health food store, and got a few bottles. I used them as suggested, and didn't notice any changes. What I didn't know is that they were not Therapeutic quality. They were not pure. They were adulterated! In essence, they were mostly just chemicals which smelled good. So, I used up those bottles in cleaning my carpets, and dismissed the idea of Essential Oils as something powerful for my health.

When I discovered the Young Living Essential Oils company, my whole perspective changed! A friend of mine gifted me with The Essential 7 - which consisted of 7 bottles of the most popular essential oils. I was immediately attracted to the Blend called Peace and Calming. I was experiencing a lot of internal anxiety at the time, and I simply CRAVED this essential oil blend. In 1993, I had gotten off a very high dosage of Prozac. I was given Xanax, to counteract the side effects of Prozac. While I got myself off Prozac, I could not get off Xanax.

I never understood what anxiety was, or what an "anxiety attack" was. . . until I was put on Prozac! I soon learned that with anti-depressants, one exchanges depression for anxiety. So, I felt like my nerves were "fried"! I constantly felt a sense of panic, uneasiness and terrible insomnia! I was a nervous wreck!

It took me 6 months of constantly using Peace and Calming to where I whittled down my dosage, and one day I simply didn't need it any more! WOW! This experience completely convinced me of the power of essential oils!

I have now been with this company for 16 years. I now KNOW the POWER of pure, therapeutic-quality essential oils. There are a lot of "essential oils" out there, and yet one has to be very discerning to use only the highest therapeutic quality. I make it easy, by choosing Young Living Essential oils because they constantly monitor the quality through 2 independent labs.

One can often know that if a pure quality 15 ml. bottle of Lavender costs $25, and if someone is selling "Lavender" for $8 a bottle - that it can't be pure. If one uses an impure Lavender essential oil to cure a burn - which is one of lavendar's best reputed qualities - and one experiences a greater irritation, one can know they haven't used a therapeutic quality lavender!

Each essential oil has many chemical constituents within them. They are totally the opposite of pharmaceutical drugs - which usually have only one function. Lavender essential oil ~ if it is processed correctly ~ has over 800 different properties. So, it can act differently on each person, according to the needs of the body. Because essential oils are so concentrated, it only takes a few drops of their precious essence to produce an effect within the body!

The essential oils are the most potent part of the herbal substance from which they are made. They are akin to the "life blood" of the plant, flower, root, bark, or sap from which it is made. Essential oils are magnificent!

My most popular book to date is the one I wrote about Young Living products entitled, Embraced by the Essence. If you are interested in purchasing this book, or a Free Essential Oils consultation, please phone 610-872-4137 - 24/7.

Please visit my Young Living Essential Oil site for more information: https://www.youngliving.org/8722